Investment Strategy

June 2023

Making sense of the market random walk between fear and greed

The Random Walk Theory most clearly laid out by Burton Malkiel, an economics professor at Princeton University, posits that the price of securities moves randomly and that, therefore, any attempt to predict future price movement, either through fundamental or technical analysis, is futile. SGG investment approach has been much focus...

November 2022

Volatility is opportunity

Volatility has been a long-time focus for SGG.  It is becoming now a permanent flexible allocation of SGG portfolio. SGG believes that excess interventionism by central banks and governments is the main source of a higher volatility regime for many years. Download the document for a full overview of SGG approach. SGG...

October 2022

An exhausting journey

Back in July 2021  and May 2021, I wrote :  "I believe that COVID 19 has unleashed the full power of the BTFD mind set. It is so powerful that it could become an unprecedent FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) wave. A race which could push indices with relative...

August 2022

Price is what you pay and value is what you get so…. what your wealth is really worth?

Nov 2021 Mckinsey published  "The rise and rise of the global balance sheet or.... How productively are we using our wealth? As its says: Assets on the world's balance sheet in 2020 totaled $ 1540 trillion, or +18 times GDP and up from 13.2 times GDP in 2000 Real assets like...

April 2022

Portfolio Navigation

In the analytical process of  my portfolio approach I highlight these five interconnected points. To simplify! In a strong trend, each tends to confirm the behavior of the other. Ex: strong bull trend will show a great majority of stock trending higher (homogeneity & breadth), Credit spreads  compressing,  general optimism,...

March 2022

An approach to Intraday Trading hint: it is not a recipe !

Trading and intraday trading has become quite widespread. Nowadays, many have access to tools, softwares and trading platforms. They have captured the attention of the crowd that .."yes" ! You can do it like the pros. The above chart does not show return and time frame on purpose.  Each little...

Charts & Thoughts for the Road: Market Structure -Volatility – Behavior 2022/03

Just a few ones.... I have focused quite a bit on the US equity market  in previous posts, since it has been the lone World leader since 2008.  It remains the leader, in relative terms. The US equity mkt has been the excess liquidity recipient. However, the derivatives mkt is...

Charts & Thoughts for the Road – Gold & Commo 2022-03

Obs: if you click on the charts you get a wide picture I like to use the PRING Inflation and Deflation index. Deflation-sensitive stocks include industry groups such as banks, insurers utilities and so forth. These equities tend to outperform when economic conditions are either weak or in the early phase...

December 2021

In the Name of Greed, Fear, Liquidity and… Resilience?

I have focused most of my stock market comments on the US stock market.  Why? Since the GFC of 2008 which originated in the USA;  money managers and investors had to do one choice. Allocate 100% of their equity exposure to the US stock market, in particular to the Nasdaq...

July 2021

Under the hood and Bubble Spotting

I have highlighted in previous posts that the diversification rule has been a drag to any investor, in particular to Non-US Investors.  Since the GFC  2009 March low, the Nasdaq (QQQ etf) is the best performer of the world. (Red line is Nasdaq 100 vs total world with a...