Tag - SKEW index

December 2021

In the Name of Greed, Fear, Liquidity and… Resilience?

I have focused most of my stock market comments on the US stock market.  Why? Since the GFC of 2008 which originated in the USA;  money managers and investors had to do one choice. Allocate 100% of their equity exposure to the US stock market, in particular to the Nasdaq...

August 2021

December 2020

skew cpce investment strategy

Probably one of the most challenging environment

In "Something seems to have changed" , I highlight the "commodity like behaviour"  the S&P 500 index seems to have "adopted". Among the many charts I follow, here is one which shows the relationship between the SKEW index and the Equity PUT/CALL ratio. The SKEW index is a measure of potential risk...

May 2019